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Dear Local Partner:

In light of the FY 2020 Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) announced last week by the Economic Development Administration (EDA), the Lansing Economic Area Partnership (LEAP), Tri-County Regional Planning Commission (TCRPC), Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce (LRCC) and Capital Council of Governments (CAPCOG) have shaped a collective called the Lansing Regional EDA CARES Committee to best position the Lansing region to receive our fair share, or more, of the total $225 million available to the 6-state Midwest region through the NOFO program.

Additionally, the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) has been working closely with the EDA to assemble a statewide EDA work group with a plan to invite local, regional or state project RFIs to allow the MEDC, at a minimum, to consider supporting prioritized projects through advocacy to the EDA, and at a maximum, to possibly provide financial cover of the local required match. LEAP is part of this group.

Thus, the Lansing Regional EDA CARES Committee may be important to us all to increase likelihood of EDA approvals. The consortium keeps intact local historic gatekeepers with EDA like the TCRPC while building on the LEAP/LRCC relationships with the MEDC.

The formation of this committee does not preclude any who wish to work separately with the EDA on any project you see fit. However, if the EDA were to perfectly distribute funds based on population, the Lansing tri-county region would receive about $2.15M. It is also clear that the EDA will perhaps focus more on regionally supported, if not state supported, projects. This group merely represents an extra opportunity for your consideration.

This group, on behalf of us all, can demonstrate and act as a powerful amplifier to our regional EDA project asks. The more unified we are as a three-county area and in the eyes of the state, and the more unified we are with other regions across the state, the more powerful a statewide ask on behalf of our region could be made with the EDA.

In the effort to support our region’s applications and make them as competitive as possible, Lansing Regional EDA CARES Committee looks to compile a list of potential projects throughout the region that together we can pass on for MEDC support. We encourage you to contemplate your project ideas, adhering to the program requirements attached (must be related to COVID-19), and consider submitting them at the link below by COB Wednesday, May 20.

From there, the committee will look to review the project(s), working with applicants to submit the strongest possible proposals to the MEDC via their online RFI portal by COB Friday, May 22.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss further, please don’t hesitate to reach out to LEAP, TCRPC, LRCC and CAPCOG anytime (emails cc’d).

Robert L. Trezise Jr., Pres. and CEO LEAP
Tim Daman, Pres. and CEO LRCC
Jim Snell, Executive Director TCRPC
CAPCOG Ingham, Clinton, Eaton County Board of Commissioner Chairs